I love the work of Tashi Norbu. He is a brilliant painter with a unique style. Specialized in mixed media techniques, using mostly denim or canvas, his works are bright, colorfull, playful and spiritual. He calls his divine art " Aerodynamic Tibetan Contemporary Art ". Tashi Norbu fuses his Buddhist traditions and Tibetan culture with strong influences of the western art forms, western ideas and western icons of modern times. Originally Tashi is educated as a traditional thanka painter,at the court of the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala,India. The principles of thangka painting are clearly visible in his contemporary artworks. The artworks of Tashi Norbu tell the stories of Tibetan Buddhist culture and traditions. But also shows modern life from a Buddhist point of view♥
ॐThe most divine self expression of the soul is Art ॐ
Same like Tashi Norbu i like Tibetan Dragon clouds
A beautiful detail of his painting " Universe XXL"
"Flamingo" mixed media on denim
` The mindfulness’ inspired by Tibetan sand mandala