woensdag 23 september 2015

◈ Happy Autumn Equinox ◈

Goodbye Summer ♡ Welcome Fall

"Adapting the pace of Nature, her secret is Patience." 

◈ Embrace and celebrate Seasonal change ◈ Magical sunsets & sunrises  ◈ Beautiful colored falling leafs   Crisp air ◈ Cloudy skies ◈ Rainy Days ◈ Sweather Weather ◈ Hoodies ◈ Boots ◈ Hot Chocolate ◈ Bonfires ◈ Pumpkins ◈ Hot Tea ◈ Warm Blankets ◈ Cuddling  Candles of the dark nights burning bright filling our hearts with eternal delight 

Love and Light always

Quote Ralph Waldo