☆ Moon Magic ☆
Super Fullmoon in taurus rising! Exceptional Supermoon tonight since 1948. The next one will occur 2034. May this moons energy soothe your Soul, ground you and remind you of what is True and Eternal. Connect with its energy, go with the flow and feel its healing energy. Now is the Time to break Free. Let go of what what No longer serving you. Set new intentions. Welcome New Beginnings. Meditate and let the moon energy guide you. Manifest and make it happen. Smudging rituals and ceremonies for gratitude, prayers & blessings.
" Dear Kindred Spirits, my wish for you is to be who you are, to astonish a mean World with your acts of kindness. Continue to allow humor to lighten the burden of your Heart. Nothing dim the Light from within. " Maya Angelou
Choose Love, Choose Light, Choose Hope, Be grateful, Be the Light, Be Love. Let the Magic begin!
Cosmic Visionary Art Isabel Maripossa Galactica